Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Hyperreality has almost put a mask on the reality of love, particularly for girls. Most girls grow up watching a plethera of love movies and/or disney movies. These movies show a knight in shinning armer who pops in one day and takes the girl and they both live happily ever after and thats that. For instance, "You'll love me at once."(1) Most girls grow up thinking that love will just come one day with out any struggles or hardships. Like in the previous quote from Sleeping Beauty, young girls might believe that it comes that easy. Furthermore, "You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream."(2) What they might come to realize is that there are hardships and bumps along the road and not just a perfect relationship that is handed to you. Sleeping Beauty is not the only disney movie that portrays this but pretty much every single one. In Cinderella, her literal knight in shiney armer comes and saves her one day and they fall in love that same day. Ultimately, although this is the common idea of love among these young girls, I'm pretty sure that they grow out of it.

Sources: 1 and 2 http://www.aquamarine.nu/lyrics/disney/sleepingbeauty.php

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Um i dont know the blog very well but i think this is what im supposed to be answering...
The last part is metafiction because he is talking about the plot within the story or the story within the story which is metafiction

Capt. Jack Sparrow

I think he is postmodern because throughout all the movies he is fighting the inevitable which is death. There is no doubt in his mind that death will come and he fights to change it.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Whenever the guy would yell and it would echo, people around them would notice. So I think that the echo makes the "half men" become more or get noticed. Like the other characters don't see them because they don't matter but for some reason whenever it echoes they do.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Approval or Disapproval?

I think Horatio has a tone of approval. It kind of sounds like he is passive or dismissing the situation. I don't think he really cares about the two because they aren't significant. Maybe he is glad to get rid of them. But I think its more of a "just go away" type of thing. Maybe he doesn't even care enough to think that much about it and he just dismisses as fast as he can.